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Private English classes

Are you thinking about:

  • Starting to learn or improve your English,
  • Boosting your language skills effectively,
  • Getting ready for important exams?

Maybe you've tried before without much success?

Now, what you need is a teacher who will consider all your needs, provide you with all the necessary materials, and then explain and practice topics in a way that's easy for you to understand. And along the way, give you tips for the most effective learning.

You're in the right place! Welcome to private English lessons. More details below.

What do the lessons look like?

Generally online, using platforms like Zoom, Skype, Google Meeting.

I focus on important language skills like speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

I prefer to conduct lessons mainly in English, which helps you get better at the language.

I use different teaching techniques based on your needs. One of them is the Callan Method, which involves repeating whole statements to help you remember structures.

Who is the announcement addressed to?

I teach both young people and adults, from basic level A1 to advanced level C2.

I cover general English and business English. I can help with school exams like the eighth-grade exam, basic and extended matriculation, and exams like IELTS, TOEFL.

A few words about me:

I have over 6 years of experience as an English teacher. Currently, I work in an international language school where I regularly conduct classes.

I've undergone various training in teaching foreign languages and have certificates like IELTS.

Feel free to contact me by phone or via SMS/WhatsApp at: 506840213

See you soon!